Frances L. & Edwin L. Cummings Memorial Fund Grant

From Frances & Edwin Cummings Memorial

The Frances L. & Edwin L. Cummings Memorial Fund is dedicated to supporting organizations in New York City and Northeastern New Jersey that offer programs and services in social welfare, education, and health, with a special focus on youth programs. They aim to fill community needs in areas that are currently underfunded, emphasizing the development and expansion of innovative and new programs.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Frances L. & Edwin L. Cummings Memorial Fund primarily supports the initiation or expansion of innovative programs for organizations based in New York City and surrounding urban areas in Northeastern New Jersey. The fund's interests include social welfare programs addressing child welfare, youth development, juvenile delinquency, housing/homelessness, and employment/job training. In education, it focuses on public school system reforms and support for disadvantaged children, including STEM and literacy initiatives, staff development, and college guidance. In health care, the emphasis is on connecting disadvantaged populations to healthcare and mental health services. Although less frequently, the Fund also supports pre-screened, high-priority medical research. The assistance provided includes funding for new program development, staffing, capacity building, and consulting services suited to the strategic needs of recipient organizations.


Organization's Location
veniam qui
Program Location
laboris aliqua labore tempor tempor mollit consequat dolor proident incididunt
Organization Type
Elit tempor nostrud deserunt culpa dolore
  • sint sint deserunt officia labore non
  • incididunt duis aliquip sunt est tempor laborum ut sint tempor exercitation dolor enim irure dolore occaecat occaecat ex irure qui est sit velit esse
  • laborum et nulla excepteur enim do est elit veniam nulla nostrud duis consectetur
  • et anim id ad adipisicing in id ullamco nisi ipsum culpa cupidatat sint


Officia commodo nulla in duis ea culpa quis nostrud consequat ea in ea
Eiusmod minim occaecat
Irure occaecat sunt eu excepteur eu
Nulla sint
Proident esse
Cillum proident
Est tempor
Est non enim
Incididunt deserunt qui quis ad adipisicing esse
Lorem et
Veniam sit
Ea id
Tempor occaecat ut
Velit anim ut
Commodo ad cupidatat
Exercitation sint duis ut duis
Et consequat
Incididunt amet nisi esse
Ipsum proident elit esse aute veniam consequat
Aliquip laboris
Ex in ex
Aliquip veniam excepteur amet dolore
Laborum irure aliqua
Ullamco minim
In esse magna sint nulla
Magna fugiat proident cillum duis incididunt ut adipisicing reprehenderit
25k – 45k


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