Promising Futures Grants: Human Services Focus Area

From The New York Community Trust

As New York’s community foundation, we foster and engage in enduring and innovative philanthropy.

Type of Support


The broad goals of the grant program are to alleviate the consequences of poverty, elevate opportunities through efficient services and public benefits, and minimize racial disparities. The program supports specific causes by focusing on early intervention and prevention to help vulnerable children achieve stability and success in academic and personal development. This encompasses support across a range of early childhood programs, bolstering services for families at risk of foster care placement, aiming to reduce homelessness, and improving access to essential resources like income support and healthy food. Additionally, the program seeks to expand practices that enable needy individuals to lead productive lives, advocating for comprehensive services for poor individuals and families. Another goal is to enhance the capacity of both government agencies and non-profits serving low-income individuals in New York by improving service coordination, training human services workers, and bolstering efforts to optimize funding and support for human services agencies.


Organization's Location
Program Location
NY (Bronx County, Kings County, New York County, Queens County, Richmond County)
Organization Type
Public charities
Groups sponsored by a public charity
  • Focus on New York, but some support is available for organizations headquartered outside the City
  • Grantees (or fiscal agents) should have a board of directors with at least four members
  • No more than one paid board member on the board of directors
  • Programs that promote change in policy or systems
  • Programs that build capacity of organizations
  • Programs that expand and/or improve direct service
  • Grants are generally made for one year


General operating support applicants
Capital and building campaigns
Endowment funds
Equipment purchase requests
Deficit financing cases
Religious purposes.
5k – 200k


Review Criteria

Priority is given to initiatives that extend beyond the scope of a single agency or program, aiming to provide solutions that are wide-ranging, systemic, and involve multiple agencies. Whenever feasible and suitable, grants for human services are awarded collaboratively with other areas within the Trust.

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