The Alzheimer’s Association aims to lead the fight against Alzheimer's and all other dementia by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support.
The Alzheimer's Association Research Grant to Promote Diversity (AARG-D) focuses on encouraging early-career investigators, who are less than 18 years past their doctoral degree or post-residency, to enter and remain in Alzheimer’s and all other dementia research fields. The grant supports these investigators by providing funding to develop preliminary or pilot data, test procedures, and develop hypotheses. The ultimate goal is to increase the diversity of researchers in the field, particularly those from underrepresented groups, and to prepare them for future research grant applications to federal or other funding entities. The AARG-D aims to boost the number of highly trained investigators from diverse backgrounds involved in basic, clinical, and social/behavioral research related to Alzheimer's and dementia, especially within health disparities populations. Funding for each award is up to $200,000 for a maximum of three years, intending to lay the groundwork for significant contributions to dementia research.
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