The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) aims to spearhead advancements in human genetics and genomics research and its applications. Established in 1948, it supports new discoveries and applications in the field through leading research, education, and service. The ASHG annually gathers a large community at its meetings and contributes to scholarly communication through its journal.
The Resource-Limited Country Travel Awards program is designed to support individuals from low-income or lower middle-income economies, as defined by the World Bank, enabling them to attend the ASHG Annual Meeting. The program aims to lower the financial barrier for up to 10 researchers or practitioners by covering meeting-related travel expenses, providing complimentary registration, and offering tickets to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion events, alongside a one-year ASHG membership. Selection of recipients is based on the quality of abstracts submitted to the ASHG Program Committee, targeting professionals dedicated to the advancement of human genetics and genomics research.
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