Americana Foundation Grant: Agriculture and Natural Resources

The Americana Foundation aims to preserve, protect, and promote expressions of America’s heritage, focusing on American furniture and decorative arts. It seeks to ensure the continuity with the past for future generations, promoting the values of freedom and the creative pioneer spirit that have shaped the nation. The foundation envisions the conservation of Americana as a means to understand identity, celebrate America’s cultural places, and honor early American artisans' craftsmanship and creativity.

Type of Support


The Americana Foundation Grant program is guided by the principles of supporting projects that promote sustainable agriculture, conservation of natural resources, and the preservation of American heritage. Specifically, it aims to transform food systems in Michigan to focus on sustainable and ecologically sound methods, ensuring that all Michiganders are connected to a sustainable local food economy. The grant supports projects that connect Michigan farms to new markets, empower communities to shape their food systems, create opportunities for marginalized farmers and food businesses, and increase the resilience of the food system to climate change. Priority is given to initiatives that enhance access to healthy, locally produced food and support the prosperity and sustainability of agricultural producers.


Organization's Location
culpa commodo
Program Location
Organization Type
Velit laborum mollit occaecat do nostrud laboris ad aliquip duis duis
Commodo sunt minim pariatur voluptate ullamco duis et aute


Exercitation laborum
Cillum nulla fugiat consequat magna laboris mollit sint ex reprehenderit ad sit minim irure amet nostrud anim commodo
Culpa magna
Veniam incididunt dolore in occaecat pariatur ipsum anim excepteur
Proident quis sint ad adipisicing esse ut incididunt veniam
Id tempor et reprehenderit consequat
Duis esse incididunt ipsum deserunt
10k – 25k


Review Criteria

amet sunt laboris eu veniam ea eiusmod do eiusmod ex occaecat aliqua elit

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