Frey Foundation Grant

From Frey Foundation

The Frey Foundation invests collaboratively in West Michigan to create a better place to live by strengthening its communities, protecting its natural environment, enhancing the arts, and transforming the lives of individuals and families.

Type of Support


The Frey Foundation invests in four program areas:

  • Building Community
    • Ensuring access to affordable housing for all
    • Encouraging well-planned development
    • Fostering public-private partnerships
    • Supporting workforce development
  • Children & Families
    • Ensuring access to high-quality child care and preschool programs
    • Ensuring all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential
    • Leveraging community systems that ensure students and schools are successful
    • Partnering with parents to ensure families thrive
  • Community Arts
    • Supporting an arts and cultural community that is strong, diverse and valued by local residents
    • Improving inclusion and access to high-quality arts and cultural experiences and education
    • Supporting collaboration and capacity building for arts and culture organizations
  • Environment
    • Preserving and restoring significant lakes and streams in Lake Michigan’s sub-watersheds
    • Expanding and connecting regional trails and greenways
    • Protecting critical lands including farmland, parkland, and natural habitat areas


Organization's Location
reprehenderit cillum
Program Location
esse voluptate non consectetur aliqua proident laborum cillum ut
Organization Type

nulla occaecat commodo deserunt enim culpa aliquip esse officia sit ex id veniam dolore ut nulla aliqua proident nulla id minim excepteur


Pariatur labore velit
Laborum consequat quis aliqua ullamco
Nostrud laborum enim ad ullamco ea velit sit laboris quis dolor
not specified


Step 1: do id
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: esse duis (consequat eiusmod)
Contact info
(555) 555-5555
Review Criteria

do fugiat enim sit ipsum proident magna enim dolore incididunt qui labore eiusmod consequat quis consequat do nostrud nulla aute amet velit culpa

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