The Greater Flint Urgent Relief Fund

From Community Foundation of Greater Flint

Since 1988, the Community Foundation of Greater Flint has focused on supporting Flint and Genesee County's future as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt public charity. Created by and for the people of Genesee County, it enables philanthropic support for various issues, either immediately or through estate planning. Originating from the merger of The Flint Public Trust and the Flint Area Health Foundation, it combines the strengths of two institutions to serve the common good.

Type of Support


The Greater Flint Urgent Relief Fund awards grants to nonprofits addressing gaps in key services for vulnerable community members, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The fund supports causes such as food insecurity and basic needs, homelessness, provision of masks/PPE, COVID-19 testing, and grassroots health education to ensure information equity among vulnerable populations. Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis with funding decisions announced within 10 days.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Laboris reprehenderit quis
Sunt aute sunt amet officia
not specified


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