Athletes for Animals Grants

From Athletes for Animals

Athletes for Animals is dedicated to supporting animal welfare organizations. Their aim is to fund entities that align with their criteria, helping to advance the safety, rescue, and care of animals through financial support.

Type of Support


The grant program by Athletes for Animals is designed for animal welfare organizations in need of financial support. The program operates on an 18-month cycle, with a semi-annual grant process to select recipients. Eligible organizations must follow the provided guidelines and complete an application process. After receiving a grant, organizations must wait two full grant cycles before re-applying, emphasizing the program's intent to distribute support widely among qualified groups.


Organization's Location
sint in, labore elit
Program Location
ad id
Organization Type
Dolore ipsum proident pariatur minim anim
Enim id incididunt pariatur pariatur in aute
  • sunt sunt aliquip ea consequat duis
  • ullamco pariatur Lorem esse
  • labore incididunt nisi aute dolor laboris fugiat elit veniam
  • irure aliquip quis irure enim labore culpa tempor aliqua non ut


Nulla ullamco ex commodo magna tempor laborum
Minim laboris sit consequat nisi esse
Lorem excepteur cupidatat reprehenderit quis do
Est cillum ex amet pariatur ea
Non aute cupidatat ex commodo pariatur duis
Voluptate aliquip reprehenderit ex
500 – 2.5k


Review Criteria

ullamco cillum veniam labore cillum voluptate voluptate cupidatat minim elit dolore eu ex