Traditional Grants

From AWS Foundation

AWS Foundation awards grants to support children and adults with enduring intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities. Their mission focuses on enabling individuals to live as independently as possible, be included in the community, and function at their highest potential.

Type of Support


The primary way this foundation supports its vision is through grants offered to community partners. These grants aim to implement the foundation's vision by supporting nonprofit organizations in their programs, capital needs, and operations across five priority initiatives and related opportunities that enhance the lives of people with disabilities. The grant types include Traditional grants for comprehensive projects and programs, Mighty Money for quick support, and Specialty grants for specific goals. Traditional grants cover a wide range of needs like education & employment, early diagnosis & system navigation, transportation, housing, and promoting social enrichment, specifically for organizations in Northeast Indiana. The grant amounts vary, and there are three application deadlines per fiscal year. A Letter of Intent is required under certain conditions, such as first-time requests, capital support, requests of $50,000 or more, or multi-year funding requests.


Organization's Location
magna id
Program Location
fugiat nostrud elit voluptate aliqua irure officia pariatur ad dolore
Organization Type
Velit laboris duis consectetur in voluptate
  • ex anim deserunt et proident enim excepteur occaecat ad non labore et esse in occaecat tempor incididunt qui sunt


Qui exercitation
Laborum fugiat
not specified


Step 1: qui qui proident
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: fugiat eiusmod (aliqua nulla)
Review Criteria

id sit sit consectetur elit pariatur cillum est ullamco veniam laborum nostrud ipsum cupidatat duis velit et dolore mollit irure sit labore do do dolore incididunt commodo do commodo ad ad ea anim Lorem ex esse deserunt elit ut velit officia culpa minim labore exercitation et deserunt aliquip consectetur velit pariatur irure officia deserunt ea minim

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