Lilly Endowment: Community Development Grant

Lilly Endowment aims to deepen and enrich the religious lives of American Christians by supporting congregations and their leadership. It focuses on ensuring congregations have leaders who are wise, faithful, and well-prepared, helps Christians draw on their theological traditions to face contemporary challenges and live their faith fully, and fosters public understanding of religion's role in civic well-being.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on community development, aiming to enhance the quality of life in Indianapolis and Indiana. It supports a broad range of efforts, from strengthening neighborhoods and fostering economic, cultural, and recreational opportunities, to addressing at-risk residents' needs and promoting arts and culture. The Endowment makes grants to improve livability and safety, support intellectual capital, and boost community economic development resources. It also aims to build effective and sustainable human service organizations to create a supportive environment for overcoming food insecurity, homelessness, unemployment, domestic violence, and various disabilities. On a statewide level, it supports community foundations and United Ways, encouraging strategic collaborations to improve Indiana communities' quality of life and future prosperity. Nationally, it offers support for compelling causes consistent with its interests on an invitational basis, such as disaster relief and veterans’ affairs.


Organization's Location
Program Location
IN (Marion County)
Organization Type
  • Located in Indianapolis
  • Located in Indiana
  • Focus on community development
  • Focus on elementary/secondary education


Private individuals seeking loans or cash grants
Those seeking assistance for personal or business-related finances
Requests to discharge pre-existing debts of individuals or organizations
Healthcare projects
Mass media projects, except those within specific program areas
Endowments or endowed chairs, except for special cases
Libraries outside Marion County, Ind., except for special initiatives
Outside Indianapolis: Building campaigns, elementary/secondary education, arts and culture, human service projects, general operating funds, neighborhood projects not part of invitational grant programs.
not specified


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