Warren County Community Foundation Grants

From Warren County Community Foundation

The mission of the Warren County Community Foundation is to unite friends of Warren County in serving donors, awarding grants, and providing leadership to create lasting legacies. It aims to help the community fulfill their dreams of making the world a better place by building endowments that turn dreams into reality, For Good. For Ever. For Warren County.

Type of Support


The Community Grants program awards grants up to $1,500 monthly throughout the year to projects across all areas of the county, with larger requests over $1,500 reviewed three times annually. The program focuses on education, human services, recreation, arts and culture, citizenship, environment, and economic development. Grant proposals are evaluated based on their alignment with the foundation's charitable purposes, focus on preventing problems rather than addressing symptoms, proactive and innovative approach, potential to significantly improve the community, addressing important needs or priorities, utilization of local resources and support, organizational capacity for implementation and sustainability, and the project’s reasonableness, feasibility, and timeliness.


Organization's Location
nostrud nostrud
Program Location
voluptate adipisicing est
Organization Type
Quis minim occaecat
Ipsum ut
Reprehenderit pariatur
  • laboris veniam ex eiusmod veniam mollit sunt
  • dolore Lorem commodo cillum ut mollit enim dolore amet laboris sint eu ea culpa


Ex esse eu dolore pariatur minim laboris dolore aliqua do ex
Culpa adipisicing esse reprehenderit
Labore eu ipsum quis laboris pariatur
Do non enim dolore enim ad cupidatat eu nostrud cillum
Minim incididunt laborum Lorem nulla
Anim ipsum voluptate dolor deserunt consectetur cupidatat ex ea
Nostrud minim voluptate


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