United Way R4 Grants: Respond, Recover, Reimagine, and Rebuild

From United Way of Marshall County

United Way is committed to providing vital services crucial to healthy communities. They focus on supporting the education, financial stability, and health of households impacted by challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, working closely with local partners to address these needs. United Way also prioritizes galvanizing local business partners, donors, volunteers, and advocates to respond effectively to crises, emphasizing collective action and community support.

Type of Support


The United Way R4 Grants aim to provide flexible resources to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in Marshall County to address basic needs and essential services intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic and its broader effects. Funding supports short-term and longer-term projects, organizational or collaborative initiatives, and operational or programmatic needs, whether directly related to COVID-19 or not. This grant program is part of United Way of Marshall County's response, aiming to assist in the recovery, imagination of new solutions, and rebuilding of community infrastructure amid the pandemic's challenges. Applications are open for diverse needs, with funding from multiple sources, including local partnerships and an annual campaign, demonstrating a comprehensive approach to fostering community resilience and support.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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