CPCF Grants

From Crown Point Community Foundation

The mission of the funder is to enhance the quality of life in South Lake County. This is achieved by providing financial assistance for a variety of community needs, making the most of charitable contributions through effective use of current tax laws, and directing resources in accordance with donors' specific wishes. The funder also focuses on managing endowment assets to meet ongoing philanthropic needs.

Type of Support


The grant program administered by the Crown Point Community Foundation aims to support projects that improve living conditions for the residents of Crown Point, Cedar Lake, Lowell, and Winfield areas. The foundation is open to considering grant applications that fall within multiple fields of interest including Animal Related, Arts and Culture, Community Improvement, Economic Development, Education, Environmental considerations, Food/Nutrition/Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Housing and Shelter, Public Safety, Recreation, Religion Related, and Youth Development. Their guidelines prioritize applications based on criteria such as the potential community impact, involvement, and support from local volunteers, the commitment of an organization's directors or trustees, an organization’s fiscal responsibility and management capabilities, the ability to secure additional funding for the project, as well as the capability to sustain funding after the termination of a long-term grant. Organizations are limited to one application per a 12-month period.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Lorem eu sint
Organization Type
In proident officia qui aute laboris
Sint exercitation eu Lorem
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up to 12k


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