The Community Foundation of St. Joseph County aims to promote organizations that benefit the local residents, assist agencies in responding to community needs, reward not-for-profit excellence, maintain a proactive and responsive grants focus, encourage innovative and collaborative efforts for improving local health and well-being, and enhance cooperation among area institutions.
The ArtsEverywhere Fund, established by the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County with support from the Leighton-Oare Foundation, seeks to advance local arts and culture through a substantial, permanent resource. Its broad goals include raising artistic quality, strengthening leadership within arts organizations, enhancing the capacity of the arts community, broadening and diversifying citizen participation, supporting local talent, and inspiring community pride. The Fund encourages innovation, collaboration, and the adoption of best practices among applicants. It offers three types of financial support: Capacity Building Grants (up to $10,000) for activities that improve organizational quality and efficiency; Program or Project Support Grants (matching up to $10,000) for specific arts-related programs and projects; and Major Venture Funding (matching grants up to $50,000, renewable for up to three years, for a maximum of $150,000) for high-quality, sustainable contributions to local arts and culture. Special interest is given to efforts that attract diverse audiences, increase arts participation, promote public involvement in the arts, foster collaboration, and elevate artistic quality by supporting local talent.
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