Harold and Rachel McMillen Foundation Grant

The Harold and Rachel McMillen Foundation, established in 1961, aims to support educational, scientific, religious, or charitable purposes, primarily focusing on the improvement and development of Allen County, Indiana.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Harold and Rachel McMillen Foundation supports a broad range of causes in line with its mission to foster education, science, religion, and charitable endeavors. Specifically, the foundation funds programs within the areas of arts, culture, and humanities; education; environment and animals; health; human services; and religion. This comprehensive approach towards funding reflects the foundation's commitment to addressing diverse community needs and promoting overall well-being and advancement in Allen County, Indiana and potentially beyond.


Organization's Location
consequat exercitation
Program Location
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Organization Type
Veniam eu sunt est velit voluptate
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  • cillum in commodo irure ad nostrud dolor ipsum
5k – 15k


Review Criteria

anim ex sint et amet commodo mollit eiusmod

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