Clay County Urgent Grants

From Wabash Valley Community Foundation

The Wabash Valley Community Foundation aims to promote community betterment and improve the quality of life in the Wabash Valley through leadership, resource mobilization, and grantmaking.

Type of Support


The grant program emphasizes supporting visionary, impactful projects that promise measurable and lasting benefits to the community. It values collaborative efforts and organizational commitment aimed at addressing broad community needs and solving chronic problems effectively. The program encourages grant applications that demonstrate a clear vision for significantly improving community conditions. Additionally, it offers urgent grants of up to $2,500 for Clay County organizations facing sudden challenges, focusing on situations such as natural disasters, theft, or equipment failure, stressing the importance of being sound financial stewards and successful community providers.


Organization's Location
Program Location
IN (Clay County)
Organization Type


Organizations seeking operational expenses funding for existing programs
Those needing endowment or deficit funding
Grantees wanting funds for redistribution
Projects focused on conferences, publications, films, television, and radio programs unless essential to a specific grant project
Religious purposes
Travel funding for individuals/groups (e.g., bands, sports teams, classes)
Annual appeals and membership contributions
Tax-supported common community services (e.g., fire, police protection, welfare, library services)
Political campaigns or lobbying activities
Replacement of gradually lost funding or declining donation income/lost government funding
Provision of interim funding while awaiting government or insurance reimbursement
Start-up support for new programs
Organizations not planning appropriately or exercising due care (e.g., lease expirations without alternative plans, overreliance on a few donors, failure to pay taxes, operating deficits, construction costs, maintenance/replacement costs negligence)
Food requests.
up to 2.5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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