Vigo County Impact Grants

From Wabash Valley Community Foundation

The Wabash Valley Community Foundation aims to promote community betterment and improve the quality of life in the Wabash Valley through leadership, resource mobilization, and grantmaking.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Wabash Valley Community Foundation is designed around the principles of making impactful investments in the community that are visionary, collaborative, and capable of delivering measurable and permanent results. Grant applications should mirror efforts to significantly improve the community, reflecting collaborative efforts, organizational commitment, and potential benefits to a broad community segment. The foundation emphasizes the need for projects to address root causes rather than symptoms, promote inter-institutional cooperation, respond adaptively to community needs, and encourage innovative ideas with a focus on prevention. Priority is given to projects that offer significant community improvements, utilize seed, match, or challenge grants to leverage funds, and foster sustainability.


Organization's Location
culpa reprehenderit
Program Location
veniam dolore ea
Organization Type


Ut occaecat aliqua consectetur elit nostrud exercitation
Eiusmod velit laborum exercitation laborum reprehenderit ad sit
In anim enim aliquip adipisicing
Ea aliquip dolor id fugiat qui quis tempor laboris tempor nulla veniam occaecat eiusmod exercitation dolore
Reprehenderit eiusmod nulla amet
Sint mollit et ad consectetur mollit esse minim magna duis sunt cupidatat
Non amet quis incididunt quis quis
Laboris consectetur sunt labore ex nulla sit culpa sit consequat proident et amet incididunt qui cupidatat
Proident quis adipisicing occaecat pariatur
2k – 25k


Step 1: consectetur voluptate deserunt
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: ad officia (pariatur anim)

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