Reeves Foundation: Columbus, Indiana Local Organized Charities Grants

From Carl Marshall Reeves and Mildred Almen Reeves Foundation Grant

The Carl Marshall and Mildred Almen Reeves Foundation was founded by Mrs. Mildred Reeves to honor her late husband, Carl Reeves, reflecting her life's commitment. Defined by generosity and support for local community organizations, its mission emphasizes education, history, the arts, and notably, combating macular degeneration, a condition that personally affected the Reeves family. The Foundation aims to leave a lasting impact in these areas, inspired by Mrs. Reeves' values and experiences.

Type of Support



Organization's Location
Program Location
IN (Bartholomew County)
Organization Type
Nonprofit charitable organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Located in Columbus, IN
  • Serving the immediate area in Columbus, IN or in Bartholomew County


Organizations planning to use funds for overhead or indirect administrative costs
Organizations intending to use funds for endowment funds
Entities seeking funds for normal operational items, supplies, consumables
Applicants looking for funding for salaries, administrative, or overhead items
Applicants without matching dollars, funding partners, or their own cash reserves for the project.
2.5k – 125k


Review Criteria

Restrictions on Funding Usage: The grants provided cannot be allocated towards overhead expenses, indirect administrative costs, or the establishment of endowment funds. Typically, the foundation refrains from financing regular operational expenses, materials, consumable items, wages, or costs related to administration and overhead. Moreover, the foundation favors applications that demonstrate financial co-support, either through external funding partnerships or from the applicant’s own financial reserves.

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