Benton Community Foundation: Community Grants

From Benton Community Foundation (IN)

The Benton Community Foundation aims to significantly impact its community by addressing needs, exploring new opportunities, and supporting various charities through its grants.

Type of Support


The Benton Community Foundation grants program supports projects that benefit the community, with funds being awarded annually from its designated funds to specific charities. In addition, it accepts open requests for grants year-round, focusing on addressing community needs and exploring new opportunities. This approach allows for flexibility in funding initiatives that can make a meaningful impact.


Organization's Location
Program Location
IN (Benton County)
Organization Type


Political organizations or candidates
Ongoing operating expenses
Special events such as parades, festivals, and sporting events
Debt or deficit reduction
Projects funded in a previous year, unless invited to resubmit


Review Criteria

Preference is granted to initiatives that:

  • Maximize outreach and impact across a broad audience
  • Enhance the organization's capacity for delivering long-term community benefits
  • Benefit the residents of Benton County
  • Are managed through partnerships among various non-profit entities
  • Demonstrate diverse financial support for the endeavor

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