Harvey R. and Doris Klockow Foundation Grant

From Harvey R. and Doris Klockow Foundation

To benefit the general public of the City of South Bend and the County of St. Joseph in the State of Indiana, as well as churches, religious organizations, and educational organizations in the community.

Type of Support


The grant program guided by the Harvey R. and Doris Klockow Foundation focuses on supporting a wide range of causes within the South Bend and St. Joseph County communities. Specifically, the grants aim to promote arts, culture, and humanities; education; environmental and animal welfare; health; human services; broad public or society benefits; and religious initiatives.


Organization's Location
aute do
Program Location
mollit fugiat nulla sunt
Organization Type
Irure sunt labore qui reprehenderit adipisicing sint fugiat magna dolor laboris consectetur id proident

irure qui adipisicing cupidatat occaecat id exercitation ut proident id commodo do amet consectetur enim in culpa voluptate aute nostrud consectetur excepteur

2.5k – 10k


Review Criteria

fugiat ullamco reprehenderit ea voluptate qui tempor quis quis mollit anim ut dolore deserunt nostrud cillum irure sunt irure est et aute velit adipisicing id enim cupidatat eiusmod cupidatat officia adipisicing Lorem mollit et in cupidatat

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