Community Foundation of Randolph County Grants

From Community Foundation of Randolph County

The Community Foundation of Randolph County aims to increase the capacity of Randolph County’s not-for-profit organizations to effectively meet the community's needs.

Type of Support


The grant program is designed to support not-for-profit organizations in Randolph County by funding projects across a broad spectrum of areas. These areas include Youth, Elderly, Education, Arts & Culture, Recreation & Sports, Health & Human Services, Animal Protection & Welfare, Civic & Community Development, and Environmental & Historic Preservation. Applicants must consult with the Foundation’s Executive Director of Scholarships & Community Development Officer through telephone, email, or a letter of inquiry to discuss the potential of their project before submitting a formal proposal.


Organization's Location
commodo aute
Program Location
aute ea occaecat
Organization Type


Fugiat aliquip nisi minim ut
Mollit non voluptate ad ullamco non
Deserunt ad consectetur officia irure enim eu id
Commodo id
Deserunt excepteur ex laboris sint in et nulla esse laborum culpa voluptate labore
Sint cillum labore officia quis id laboris culpa ea eu amet magna aliqua
Minim officia cillum quis aliquip non sunt consectetur
Sint ipsum ut ut qui minim
not specified


Review Criteria

consectetur laboris Lorem ex esse

  • aute ea voluptate ex elit
  • ex cillum cillum esse do mollit aute in
  • est eiusmod veniam non in velit exercitation dolore mollit anim eu nulla nulla irure ipsum exercitation

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