CICF Sheehan Charitable Fund

From Central Indiana Community Foundation

The Glick Fund, founded by Gene and Marilyn Glick in 1998 and a component of Central Indiana Community Foundation, aims to carry forward a legacy of philanthropy within Indiana, especially in Central Indiana. The fund emerges from the Glick family’s long-standing generosity and commitment to instilling philanthropic values within their family and company. It works to make a significant impact in its community by supporting a wide range of causes.

Type of Support


The grant program of the Sheehan Charitable Foundation focuses on supporting organizations that are dedicated to helping children with serious medical conditions. They prioritize efforts that remove obstacles for these children, provide necessary assistance, and support their development. Additionally, the Foundation extends its support to veterans, aligning with broader life-affirming efforts.


Organization's Location
Program Location
IN (Hamilton County)
Organization Type
  • Resident of Hamilton County, IN
  • 17 years old or younger
  • Legal resident of the United States
  • Applicant covered by a health benefit plan must provide documentation of coverage
  • Must demonstrate a lack or limited resources to meet the healthcare needs
  • Prescriptions, long-term therapy, and other ongoing treatments are not eligible
  • Application review includes determination of medical appropriateness of the request
  • May require additional information from the referring entity after application submission
not specified


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