Youth Development Grant

Bader Philanthropies aims to support families with compassion, creativity, and the latest knowledge, striving to make Wisconsin a leader in viewing aging. The mission focuses on helping older adults safely age in place, connecting them with technology to maintain relationships, and providing educational opportunities for caregivers, professionals, and students.

Type of Support


Bader Philanthropies’ grant program focuses on Youth Development, recognizing the profound impact of childhood experiences on lifelong health and quality of life. It supports organizations that act as catalysts for change and healing by providing safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for youth. The program’s strategies include Wellness, Extended Learning Opportunities, and Character and Professional Development. Committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of young people, it offers out-of-school and summer opportunities for physical and creative growth and prepares students for successful transitions into adulthood.


Organization's Location
culpa dolore
Program Location
cillum cillum exercitation
Organization Type
Ullamco ad
  • deserunt adipisicing proident nostrud


Lorem velit laboris
not specified


Step 1: in adipisicing
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: pariatur Lorem (commodo ex)

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