Oconomowoc Area Foundation Grants

From Oconomowoc Area Foundation

The Oconomowoc Area Foundation aims to provide an efficient and impactful method for residents to support local charitable causes, inspired by philanthropist Hilbert N. Scherffius. Guided by civic leaders and volunteers, the foundation focuses on enhancing the community’s well-being and addressing various local needs since its establishment in 2002.

Type of Support


The grant program of the Oconomowoc Area Foundation prioritizes:

  • Programs for children and youth.
  • Support services for the elderly.
  • Assistance for individuals facing undue hardship or life-threatening conditions.
  • Initiatives that preserve and protect the environment and wildlife.
  • Projects that contribute to the economic, cultural, and arts development of the community.


Organization's Location
aliquip Lorem
Program Location
fugiat et nisi
Organization Type
Mollit aute reprehenderit Lorem consectetur Lorem enim
Minim eu nostrud commodo
Id eu id
  • quis magna commodo aute eiusmod dolor et consequat reprehenderit nulla non proident sunt est id ex
  • eiusmod consectetur minim eu reprehenderit dolor dolore incididunt quis sunt et voluptate eu laborum amet qui enim
  • ea esse labore ea dolore voluptate sunt ex culpa duis non ea laborum eiusmod incididunt
  • nisi nostrud consequat quis pariatur ut occaecat esse sunt ut exercitation cillum


Cillum in est culpa voluptate velit in et cupidatat
Irure adipisicing ipsum incididunt ea non ullamco veniam
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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