Bee Vradenburg Foundation Grant

Bee Vradenburg Foundation, established in 2001, is committed to enhancing the significance, perseverance, and excellence of the arts in the Pikes Peak region. Its vision is deeply rooted in the advocacy of arts and arts education as essential elements of the region's economy and quality of life, supporting diverse and emerging artists, art forms, and audiences, fostering the growth and resilience of local arts organizations, enhancing the organizational capacity of arts groups, and cultivating partnerships to increase funding for the arts.

Type of Support


The Bee Vradenburg Foundation's grant program focuses on supporting the arts community within the Pikes Peak region through various forms of financial assistance. The foundation aims to advocate for arts and arts education, support the development of emerging and diverse artists and arts organizations, and cultivate economic partnerships to enhance funding for the arts. Grants offered include general operating support, season or program-specific support, capacity-building support, challenge grants, capital projects, and outreach programs aimed at increasing art exposure. Grant eligibility and the amount are determined based on the organization's revenue, with specific guidelines provided for those seeking capital support. The foundation encourages a diverse range of artistic endeavors to ensure the cultural vitality of the Pikes Peak region.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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  • cillum Lorem Lorem nisi aliquip laboris commodo nisi mollit est elit consequat duis Lorem veniam ut ex dolore aliqua ad nostrud in ea deserunt eiusmod minim
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Id labore do veniam reprehenderit
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Culpa do ea minim nisi commodo id
1k – 15k


Review Criteria

eu minim qui nulla ea commodo commodo laboris voluptate occaecat voluptate velit labore excepteur

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