Seven Towns' Educational Enrichment Grant Program

From The Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation

The mission of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation is to build stronger communities and improve the quality of life for all residents in the areas it serves. This involves supporting various charitable programs and endeavors, including the promotion of education, the arts, and community development.

Type of Support


The Seven Towns' Education Partnership Fund supports a wide range of projects to fulfill its goals of enriching the educational experiences in the Central Berkshire Regional School District. This includes but is not limited to independent studies, new programs, extracurricular activities, individual creative projects, visiting speakers, artists-in-residence, professional development for teachers, and the acquisition of scientific, athletic, or technical equipment, as well as library resources and class field trips. The fund accepts proposals from students, teachers, administrators, staff, parents, nonprofits, and community members of the district.


Organization's Location
Program Location
MA (Berkshire County)
Organization Type
School personnel
Community members
  • Projects must enhance and enrich the educational experience of students and teachers in the Central Berkshire Regional School District


Organizations that seek to replace public dollars for the school district
Organizations intending to use grants primarily for salaries
Organizations that discriminate against people based on age, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or religious belief.
100 – 1k


Review Criteria

Preference will be accorded to proposals that emphasize the use of volunteer contributions and demonstrate supplemental forms of support.

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