Irene E. & George A. Davis Foundation: Program Grants

The mission of the Irene E. & George A. Davis Foundation is dedicated to supporting nonprofit organizations within Hampden County, Massachusetts. Their focus is to enhance community well-being by funding initiatives and organizations in areas such as education across all levels, health, social services, and the arts to improve the quality of life within the region.

Type of Support


The grant from the Irene E. & George A. Davis Foundation provides funding specifically for programs, projects, or initiatives. The aim is to support endeavors that will result in measurable and meaningful outcomes in areas such as education, literacy, economic mobility, arts and culture, health, social services, youth development, leadership development, sustainable agriculture, and overall community support. This financial support is targeted at nonprofit organizations within Hampden County, Massachusetts, to help them achieve specific goals and make a significant impact in the community.


Organization's Location
Program Location
MA (Hampden County)
Organization Type
Organizations with a designated 501(c)(3) status by the United States Internal Revenue Service
Nonprofit organizations
Organizations with a fiscal agent
  • Focused on serving the needs of the citizens of Hampden County
  • Offer creative responses to the community's most pressing needs and concerns
  • Preventative and far-sighted in their design
  • Can articulate clear, measurable, and sustainable outcomes
  • Empower individuals to acquire skills for sustained quality of life improvement
  • Increase access and opportunities for low-income and under-served populations
  • Committed to long-term change
  • Assist local organizations to strengthen their capacity
  • Foster collaboration among nonprofit organizations
  • Have the potential to multiply dollars with support from other sources


Organizations located outside of Hampden County
Continuing support for current programs
Debt reduction
Multiple proposals per year from the same organization
Program-related loans
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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