Bernard E. & Alba Witkin Charitable Foundation Grants

From Bernard E. & Alba Witkin Charitable Foundation

The Bernard E. & Alba Witkin Charitable Foundation aims to support effective non-profit organizations that help children in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. Its mission focuses on a broad spectrum of programs that nurture stronger adults from children, with a special emphasis on early childhood (birth through age five) and transitioning foster youth (ages 18 to 24). Additionally, the Foundation funds quality educational programs in public schools and selects initiatives promoting peace, non-violence, and access to legal services.

Type of Support


The Bernard E. & Alba Witkin Charitable Foundation prioritizes funding for programs that offer development opportunities for children or protect them, particularly in early childhood and for at-risk youth. It shows a strong preference for initiatives that deliver immediate benefits to children, including in education, health, and welfare. Special emphasis is placed on innovative programs from smaller East Bay charities that might struggle to secure funding elsewhere. Areas funded include special education, music, arts, scholarships, and legal education projects, with grants distributed quarterly.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CA (Alameda County, Contra Costa County)
Organization Type
Public charities with IRC §501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Qualifying government entities


Capital campaigns
Endowments and academic chairs
The arts (except programs with direct, immediate benefits for children)
Programs addressing complex social problems like AIDS and homelessness
Environmental programs or those addressing global issues
National and international charities with major fundraising programs (e.g., Red Cross, Salvation Army, American Cancer Society)
Entities seeking pledges.
not specified


Review Criteria

Priority will be given to initiatives that offer growth opportunities for youth or safeguard children. This encompasses a range of activities such as specialized educational institutions, unique programs within schools (with a preference for those in public rather than private settings), music programs, scholarships, clinics, educational initiatives, and support programs. Special focus is placed on initiatives serving very young children (from birth to age five) and those at risk, aiming to either thwart social and other issues or provide early corrective measures. The Foundation prioritizes allocating its funds for the immediate and direct advantage of the intended beneficiaries (i.e., the children). Preference is also shown for smaller, pioneering charities in the East Bay area that might struggle to secure funding from more conventional sources. Additionally, educational projects related to law may be considered for funding on a case-by-case basis.

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