Beverly Rotary Club Grant

From Beverly Rotary Club Foundation

The mission of Beverly Rotary is centered on bringing together professional men and women who are leaders in their fields and community to make Beverly and the world a better place. They focus on community engagement, fostering friendships among members, and contributing to both local and international projects, including the global eradication of Polio.

Type of Support


The Beverly Rotary Club's grant program aims to support projects and initiatives that align with Rotary International Foundation's areas of focus: peace and conflict prevention/resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, economic and community development, and protecting the environment. The club prioritizes applications that can make a significant impact in these areas and reviews grant requests on a monthly basis, with a general timeline of finalizing decisions in May based on available funds.


Organization's Location
cillum culpa
Program Location
esse cillum culpa
Organization Type
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