Bill and Rosemary Gallagher Foundation Grant

From Bill and Rosemary Gallagher Foundation

The Bill and Rosemary Gallagher Foundation aims to honor the philanthropic legacy of its namesakes by supporting charitable causes in Western Montana. Its mission focuses on improving the lives of the region's residents through financial support to organizations dedicated to helping the unfortunate, disabled, elderly, youth, and those in need. It seeks to ameliorate suffering, enhance education and healthcare, support the arts, and foster community enrichment.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on a variety of areas including Education, Art and Culture, Community Enrichment, Health Care, Assistance to Youth, Assistance to the Aging, and Assistance to Organizations Serving Those in Need. It aims to improve educational opportunities, support arts and cultural programs, enhance community wellbeing, improve access to quality healthcare, aid youth in education and after-school activities, support the aging population, and assist organizations helping those in distress or need across Western Montana.


Organization's Location
enim reprehenderit
Program Location
sit deserunt est occaecat deserunt fugiat qui irure minim eiusmod
Organization Type
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  • in eiusmod dolore enim quis
  • reprehenderit consequat anim reprehenderit sunt aute exercitation excepteur consequat laborum pariatur est est ut
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Dolor mollit nulla Lorem veniam tempor quis ut pariatur
Esse dolore
Aliqua deserunt fugiat aliqua adipisicing ad excepteur
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Ipsum anim dolor nostrud quis magna reprehenderit proident quis commodo mollit
Laborum excepteur magna nostrud
Tempor Lorem anim esse aliqua deserunt non sit
3.3k – 25k


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