Powder River Community Endowment Fund

From Montana Community Foundation

Our mission is to cultivate a culture of giving so Montana communities can flourish.

Type of Support


The grant program administered by the PRCEF primarily supports the establishment and growth of a permanent endowment fund, designed to provide a continuous source of income for the community’s needs. By encouraging local investment into a fund that preserves capital while allocating earnings for community-directed projects, the PRCEF promotes long-term financial sustainability. This approach ensures that funds are not only raised but grown over time, enabling ongoing support for various community needs and projects. Managed by the School/Community Development Council (SCDC) under the fiscal oversight of the Montana Community Foundation (MCF), the program also focuses on sharing the success and experiences with similar communities globally, aiming to inspire and guide them towards achieving their own economic vitality.


Organization's Location
Program Location
MT (Powder River County)
Organization Type
501(c)(3) Organization
Exempt Governmental Unit
Other Charitable Entity
  • Will need to describe how the project furthers the goal of maintaining rural characteristics while improving the quality of life


Organizations that discriminate in any manner
Organizations whose function is not for the public good
up to 3k


Review Criteria

Preferred Recipients: The most favorable organizations for funding are those established primarily for philanthropic, spiritual, or educational endeavors. Less favorable are organizations that have reliable alternative funding sources or serve a very limited audience with their mission.

Preferred Projects: Highly preferred projects are those aimed at significantly benefiting both the youth and the elderly within the community. Projects that lean towards using funds for standard operational costs, ongoing expenses, or that serve only a narrow segment of the community upon completion are seen as less favorable.

Funding and Match Requirements: Projects demonstrating a high priority will secure at least a 50% match in cash funds from sources other than PRCEF grants. Requests for PRCEF to provide 100% of the project funding are considered less favorable. Demonstrations of thorough planning and cooperative efforts among organizations for project execution are especially valued.

Project Timelines and Outcomes: Optimal projects are characterized by their ability to be completed within a one-year period. Additionally, projects with quantifiable outcomes, rather than those based on subjective opinions, are more desirable.

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