Broadwater Community Foundation Grant

From Montana Community Foundation

Our mission is to cultivate a culture of giving so Montana communities can flourish.

Type of Support


The Broadwater Community Foundation supports local projects aimed at improving the community of Broadwater County. By raising funds that are then managed and invested, the Foundation seeks to address community needs and challenges through grants awarded by its Board of Directors. Broad areas of support include community projects and scholarships for high school seniors, focusing on sustainable and impactful community betterment initiatives.


Organization's Location
Program Location
MT (Broadwater County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Organizations with IRS 509(a)(1),(2),(3), or (4) status
Government entities (county, city, school)
  • Projects must be charitable in purpose
  • Require able and committed leadership
  • Benefit the communities and residents of Broadwater County
  • A cash match is required for grants


Conferences & workshops
Planning, research, or untested projects
Partisan or sectarian activities
Projects that benefit an individual.
500 – 3k


Review Criteria

Preference will be afforded to initiatives that align with the criteria below:

  • Offer enduring and immediate advantages to the local populace.
  • Receive backing from additional community stakeholders and/or groups.
  • Tackle significant needs that are currently unaddressed.
  • Contribute to the development of a more prosperous and/or vibrant community.
  • Possess a continual, sustainable source of funding.
  • Enhance the living standards of the local community members.

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