Rural Community Endowments: Moore Endowment

From Central Montana Foundation

To receive and accept property exclusively for educational, cultural, charitable, or benevolent purposes for the benefit, health, and improvement of residents of the Central Montana area in such a way that the quality of life in Central Montana shall be enhanced. By working through the Foundation, projects that align with these values provide donors with a tax-deductible avenue for contributions, supporting the vision of enhancing the quality of life within the local communities.

Type of Support


The Central Montana Foundation oversees various grant programs, including rural community endowments specifically designed to support projects within certain rural communities in Central Montana. These communities include Denton, Garfield County, Grass Range, Hobson, Judith Basin, Judith Gap, Moore, Petroleum County, Roy, Wheatland County, and Winifred. Each rural community has its own endowment committee and grant program, which receives support from an annual gift from CMF's Mildred Bryte Estate. The Moore Endowment, as a part of this greater initiative, meets throughout the year to provide funds as needed for projects within these communities.


Organization's Location
Program Location
MT (Fergus County)
Organization Type
Non-profit organizations
Tax-exempt organizations
  • Registered and in good standing with the Montana Secretary of State
  • Located in Fergus, Garfield, Judith Basin, Petroleum, and Wheatland Counties
  • Projects that will benefit educational, medical, essential services, civic, and cultural projects are eligible


Political or religious organizations
Organizations aiming to influence legislation or participate/intervene in political campaigns
Requests that are discriminatory, illegal, harmful, or pose an unacceptable conflict of interest.
not specified


Review Criteria

Preference is granted to initiatives that will have the greatest impact on the majority of Central Montana's population.

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