Biochemical Society: Student Bursaries

From Biochemical Society

The Biochemical Society aims to advance the molecular and cellular biosciences, facilitating the sharing of expertise, supporting the advancement of biochemistry and molecular biology, and promoting their importance in the wider biological context.

Type of Support


The grant program offers financial assistance to Undergraduate and Postgraduate members of the Biochemical Society to attend various scientific and educational events. These events include Biochemical Society Scientific Meetings, Training Events, and Online Courses. The bursaries aim to support students' participation by covering costs associated with attending these events, such as registration fees and travel expenses. The funding amount varies depending on the nature of the event and whether it requires travel within or outside the attendee's country of residence.


Organization's Location
non dolore
Program Location
Organization Type
  • do qui irure mollit anim sunt tempor et nulla eiusmod labore nulla excepteur exercitation
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Incididunt aliquip adipisicing esse culpa anim
Consectetur Lorem aute aliquip cupidatat officia officia mollit minim sit Lorem
100 – 300


Visit Apply for more information.