Barnes-Jewish Hospital Community Support Grants

From Bjc Health System

The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital is dedicated to supporting research and programs that enhance patient care at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital, Siteman Cancer Center, Washington University School of Medicine, Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College, and community organizations throughout St. Louis.

Type of Support


The Foundation's Community Support Grants program aims to deliver impactful funding to not-for-profit organizations working on new projects (seed funding) or expanding capacity in existing projects to enhance healthcare in the St. Louis metropolitan area. The grants primarily support initiatives focused on reducing healthcare disparities, fostering strong community healthcare networks, promoting health wellness and prevention, and improving the quality of healthcare education. While applications are welcomed year-round and reviewed quarterly, primarily, grants awarded are less than $50,000. Funding is not intended for ordinary operating expenses or to cover operating deficits.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type


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