BCBSNM Sponsorship Funding

From Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico

BCBSNM aims to promote accessible, cost-effective, quality healthcare for its customers. The company integrates this mission with corporate giving and sponsorship decisions, aligning community supports under strategic focus areas to enhance access to care.

Type of Support


The grant program prioritizes broad goals such as improving economic opportunity and stability by addressing poverty and employment barriers, enhancing nutrition by reducing hunger and improving food access, supporting affordable healthy housing, transportation, and physical activity under neighborhood and local assets, addressing local health and human service needs, and closing care gaps in priority health areas. Sponsorship funding targets fundraisers or events by charities or community organizations, offering visibility for BCBSNM in New Mexico, without necessitating 501(c)(3) status, and emphasizes prior application submission.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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Visit Apply for more information.

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