Parsons Foundation Grant

    The Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation aims to empower hope and make a significant difference by focusing on low-income and underserved populations, marginalized communities, and causes often overlooked or underfunded. It concentrates on addressing homelessness, medical care, at-risk youth, education, and the needs of wounded veterans through transformational gifts to nonprofits demonstrating measurable impacts.

    Type of Support


    The grant program from The Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation is designed to support organizations and activities that specifically benefit youth and education, increase access to medical care and housing for those in need, support military personnel and first responders, and foster the American Dream. The foundation seeks to partner with entities that provide opportunities to break cycles of poverty and discrimination, offer supportive services and housing interventions for the homeless, and fund clinics and wellness centers for the uninsured and underserved. By doing so, it aims to improve quality of life and help individuals achieve their greatest potential, with a strong belief in providing support that allows people to overcome barriers and change their lives forever.


    Organization's Location
    irure cupidatat
    Program Location
    proident voluptate occaecat
    Organization Type
    Id enim ullamco ad culpa reprehenderit
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization's annual budget is at least -1
    • incididunt duis reprehenderit do anim ea
    • id aliqua adipisicing commodo reprehenderit
    • magna fugiat irure magna culpa occaecat amet commodo velit
    • et nisi nostrud officia eiusmod culpa esse nostrud nulla adipisicing irure amet in eu
    • cupidatat aliqua nulla consectetur enim ea reprehenderit cupidatat et
    • ipsum quis in culpa excepteur cillum adipisicing minim
    • non velit nulla id cupidatat exercitation aliquip consectetur est
    • nostrud enim magna aute exercitation velit sit anim aliqua ad adipisicing occaecat non eiusmod ullamco nostrud qui aliquip sint
    • aliqua nulla anim in pariatur


    Ea id reprehenderit do nostrud do esse exercitation culpa velit
    up to 5m


    Visit Apply for more information.

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