Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation

From Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation

The Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation (SCVCF) is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for Sun City Oro Valley residents and the surrounding community. Their mission is to create a vibrant, caring, and supportive environment by financially backing health, cultural, recreational, educational, and other charitable initiatives, having contributed over $1 million to local projects, clubs, and organizations since 1998.

Type of Support


The SCVCF grant program focuses on supporting a wide range of initiatives that contribute to the wellbeing of the Sun City Oro Valley community and its residents. The grants, typically awarded in the first half of each year and averaging around $4,000, aim to fund projects and organizations that align with the foundation's commitment to health, culture, recreation, education, and general charitable needs. Interested applicants must submit a grant request for consideration by the SCVCF board, which is comprised of SCOV residents.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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