BMS Corporate Giving

From Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation Inc

Bristol Myers Squibb is dedicated to conscientious corporate citizenship, aiming to make a positive difference globally. They are focused on supporting efforts that help patients and their families, improve healthcare, and advance scientific understanding, while also contributing to building strong communities.

Type of Support


Bristol Myers Squibb emphasizes promoting health equity by striving to increase access to lifesaving medicines for populations affected by serious diseases, regardless of their socioeconomic status, geography, or background. The company supports various causes through corporate giving, including charitable donations, independent medical education, corporate sponsorship and membership, scholarship, and fellowship support, along with independent patient education. Corporate giving is conducted with a firm adherence to principles of integrity, compliance with laws and regulations, and a requirement for public acknowledgment of funding, aimed at supporting quality initiatives that make a difference in the lives of patients and their families.


Organization's Location
veniam magna
Program Location
Organization Type
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