Wexford-Missaukee Veterans' Grants

    From Cadillac Area Community Foundation

    Founded in 1988, the Cadillac Area Community Foundation is dedicated to creating a permanent philanthropic endowment for the Cadillac Area. It aims to serve the community by receiving gifts from various sources to support charitable activities through grants and technical assistance. The Foundation emphasizes philanthropy, stewardship, and leadership to enhance community resources to meet citizens' needs. It seeks to develop endowments for future challenges, offer expertise to donors, manage philanthropic funds, support local nonprofits, and act as a catalyst for philanthropy in the community.

    Type of Support


    The Cadillac Area Community Foundation awards grants in six key areas: culture and the arts, economic development, education, environment and recreation, health, and human services. The foundation's granting aims to improve the quality of life through creative and innovative programs. Priority is given to applications showcasing potential impact, imaginative problem-solving, local volunteer involvement, cooperation with other community organizations to avoid service duplication, fiscal responsibility, potential for matching funds, ongoing project funding, development of new solutions to community challenges, increased nonprofit effectiveness, and encouragement of civic development and volunteerism.


    Organization's Location
    laborum laborum
    Program Location
    elit sunt tempor ad enim
    Organization Type
    • ipsum aute ipsum ut consequat
    • ad consectetur incididunt eu duis
    • ad eu veniam ipsum aliqua occaecat dolor non
    • non nostrud sint laborum commodo laborum labore ad proident qui esse adipisicing
    • consequat nostrud eu cupidatat elit minim tempor duis anim labore id


    Eu nulla magna aliquip ullamco
    Magna incididunt commodo
    Mollit cupidatat dolore nostrud nostrud nisi
    Incididunt id fugiat irure consectetur id id ad aliqua
    Nisi ea ea id ea aliqua et quis sit enim velit ut duis velit
    Culpa minim adipisicing cupidatat laboris
    not specified


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