CMCF: Penny’s Way, Food & Clothing Funds' Grant

    From Central Montcalm Community Foundation

    The Central Montcalm Community Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life in the Central Montcalm area by providing grants through funds gathered from gifts, bequests, and estates. These grants are designed with the specific purpose of supporting various agencies, institutions, and charitable organizations to ensure the long-term benefit of the Central Montcalm community. The foundation's efforts focus on the use of annual earnings from permanent endowments, with the core principle that the principal amount is preserved indefinitely, ensuring continual support for the local community.

    Type of Support


    The grant program focuses on using the annual earnings from permanent endowed funds to support specific causes, without depleting the principal of these funds. Among the specific causes supported, Penny’s Way, Food & Clothing Funds were established to offer financial assistance to 501(c)(3) organizations that distribute food and clothing to those in need within Montcalm County, in memory of Penny Thomsen, a Central Montcalm employee known for her compassion towards children in the area. Funding sources include annual fundraising events and contributions designated for specific purposes.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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