Community Support Grant


Supporting local organizations to empower low-income individuals and families, strengthen our community, and create opportunities by providing funding and guidance to programs that address the causes and conditions of poverty with a vision to establish a poverty-free community in Staunton, Augusta County, and Waynesboro. They also uphold the Community Action Promise, which emphasises changing people’s lives, embodying the spirit of hope, improving communities, and making America a better place to live, caring for the entire community and dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.

Type of Support


The Community Support Grant is designed for programs significantly impacting low and moderate-income residents (up to 200% of the Federal Poverty Line) in Staunton, Augusta County, and/or Waynesboro. These projects should align with the needs identified in the 2021 CAPSAW Needs Assessment and support the mission of CAPSAW. Funding, up to $2,000, is provided on a reimbursement basis for eligible expenses such as one-time projects, appliances, and emergency supports not generally covered by CAPSAW’s multi-year funding program. Priority is given to items directly related to client use and not part of general operational expenses.


Organization's Location
Program Location
VA (Augusta County, Staunton City, Waynesboro City)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Local government organizations
  • Providing services to low- and moderate-income residents of Staunton, Augusta County, and/or Waynesboro
  • Faith-based organizations must conduct outreach efforts and service delivery regardless of the program beneficiary's faith affiliation
  • Must not market or offer programs exclusively to members of the sponsoring organization’s religious affiliation or denomination
  • Activities must be accessible to all potential beneficiaries, including alternative means of service delivery for people with disabilities


Organizations seeking funds for staffing, administrative, or recurring expenses
Organizations submitting multiple applications in one fiscal year or similar requests over multiple years
Applications for items that should be in regular operating budgets
Requests for events that have already occurred.
up to 2k


Review Criteria

Preference is given to applications requesting funding for specific costs not covered by regular operating expenses, which directly benefit clients and align with CAPSAW's objectives.

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