C3F: Community Priorities Cycle

    From Charlevoix County Community Foundation

    The mission of the Charlevoix County Community Foundation (C3F) is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Charlevoix County, both now and for future generations. It aims to support community improvements by accepting contributions of all sizes, making grants to various organizations, schools, and municipalities to foster positive changes within Charlevoix County.

    Type of Support


    The Community Priorities Cycle is designed to allow all eligible non-profit partners to apply for project support, considering general support requests, especially in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. It targets projects focused on Charlevoix County's people and places. Proposals are evaluated based on the organization's community impact and relevance, organizational capacity and solvency, potential to strengthen the organization/community, comprehensiveness and planning of the proposal, and the duration of the proposed activities' impact. The cycle supports various needs, with a specific notation for Health needs, utilizing Community Endowment funds, which are unrestricted and can be used for any purpose by eligible organizations.


    Organization's Location
    culpa Lorem
    Program Location
    adipisicing velit deserunt
    Organization Type
    Mollit tempor ex do
    Mollit excepteur officia non
    Velit sint id mollit consequat dolor
    • velit nisi laborum nisi occaecat veniam occaecat
    • labore enim irure irure proident velit in et dolor ea consequat ipsum
    • eiusmod et irure laborum reprehenderit laboris non ullamco dolore elit aute aliquip
    • do amet enim Lorem ipsum sint sit enim laborum Lorem nulla proident ea


    Ut deserunt sint eu exercitation cupidatat adipisicing ut duis aliquip
    Culpa magna cillum nulla sint
    Ad in voluptate laboris aliqua labore consectetur cillum cupidatat
    Excepteur laborum quis ipsum aute
    Occaecat nostrud laborum do Lorem
    Consequat irure est sint enim consectetur duis aliqua nisi
    Exercitation exercitation deserunt deserunt ex Lorem magna nostrud laborum consectetur
    not specified


    Step 1: cillum ut
    Application deadline
    Mar 19, 2025
    Step 2: consectetur velit (amet sint)

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