The mission of the Charlevoix County Community Foundation (C3F) is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Charlevoix County, both now and for future generations. It aims to support community improvements by accepting contributions of all sizes, making grants to various organizations, schools, and municipalities to foster positive changes within Charlevoix County.
The Community Priorities Cycle is designed to allow all eligible non-profit partners to apply for project support, considering general support requests, especially in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. It targets projects focused on Charlevoix County's people and places. Proposals are evaluated based on the organization's community impact and relevance, organizational capacity and solvency, potential to strengthen the organization/community, comprehensiveness and planning of the proposal, and the duration of the proposed activities' impact. The cycle supports various needs, with a specific notation for Health needs, utilizing Community Endowment funds, which are unrestricted and can be used for any purpose by eligible organizations.