Charter Oak Federal Credit Union's Community Giving Grants Program

From Charter Oak Federal Credit Union

Charter Oak Federal Credit Union is a community credit union dedicated to supporting charitable entities within its field of membership, focusing on economic development and social well-being in New London and Windham counties.

Type of Support


The Community Giving Grants Program from Charter Oak Federal Credit Union aims to support non-profit organizations that contribute to economic development and improve the social well-being of communities within its service area. Funding priorities include education/job training, health programs, human services, housing, community development/revitalization, and arts. The program favors projects that can serve a significant number of people, address a high level of need, and have the potential to create long-term positive change.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
Aliqua veniam do est do cupidatat
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  • quis cillum culpa id velit exercitation mollit quis labore


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Anim cupidatat consectetur veniam nostrud ea
Dolore ad non fugiat exercitation amet anim Lorem ea
not specified


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