Community Development / Health Grants

To encourage human development in West Virginia and Southwestern Pennsylvania through strategically placed charitable resources.

Type of Support


The Foundation’s grant program is guided by principles that include supporting self-help initiatives, nurturing community leadership, advocating for cross-regional projects, expecting collaboration across sectors, promoting innovative practices with measurable benefits, and furthering policy advancement. Specifically, it focuses on Community Development and Health in West Virginia and Southwestern Pennsylvania, investing two-thirds of its grants in the former and one-third in the latter. Health grants aim at improving healthcare access and quality, emphasizing preventive services, and supporting policy development for a healthier West Virginian population. Community Development grants are awarded to projects that enhance economic wellbeing and quality of life through leadership development, community engagement, organizational effectiveness, and technological access expansion. These efforts are directed towards fostering prosperous communities driven by their citizens’ efforts and creativity.


Organization's Location
occaecat veniam
Program Location
Organization Type
Laborum elit irure laborum Lorem deserunt
Esse qui fugiat ex velit


Cupidatat nisi consectetur labore irure in dolor eu
Eiusmod ea qui commodo proident amet eu fugiat consectetur exercitation ex
Est do irure proident excepteur
Veniam ullamco dolor
Et excepteur magna
Dolore duis
Exercitation nisi
Occaecat proident ipsum ex mollit
Ex deserunt reprehenderit eiusmod dolor
Fugiat aliquip laborum aliqua occaecat
Consequat labore
Voluptate sunt laborum deserunt magna cillum occaecat labore qui cillum irure ipsum amet deserunt
up to 200k


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