Community Grants- Program Development Grants

From JCCF Inc.

The Community Foundation of Jackson County aims to support community projects and programs that enhance opportunities for its residents and communities. This includes a broad spectrum of needs such as human services, health, recreation, education, arts & culture, economic development, and nonprofit capacity building, with an emphasis on improving the quality of life within Jackson County.

Type of Support


The grant program offered by the Community Foundation of Jackson County has broad goals centered around supporting and enhancing community projects and programs across a myriad of areas including Arts and Culture, Education, Health and Human Services, Recreation, Youth and Family Services, and Community and Economic Development. Specific focus is given to Capital and Equipment Projects, Program Development, Capacity Building, and Operating Support. Community Action Grants support new services or program development aimed at meeting unmet community needs or expanding existing programs to new audiences, with grant amounts typically ranging from $1,000 to $10,000, depending on the service area and available funds.


Organization's Location
Program Location
WV (Jackson County)
Organization Type
Private, non-profit organization with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Public institutions
  • Located in Jackson County, WV
  • Programs must serve residents of Jackson County, WV


Entities seeking funds for annual campaigns, endowments, sectarian religious purposes, political purposes or lobbying activities, retiring existing obligations, debts or liabilities, student travel or participation in meetings, seminars or study exchange programs
Requests for labor and wages reimbursement
Requests for food/beverages without prior Board approval.
1k – 10k


Review Criteria

Funding preference is awarded to initiatives that: significantly benefit the individuals and communities served by the applying entity; engage new groups, enhance current offerings, or address rising demands; enhance the applicant organization’s ability to provide services and address community requirements; are thoroughly conceived and achievable; pursue or have the potential for matching funds to increase overall financial support; have minimal opportunities for alternative funding sources; and cater to the needs of the Jackson County area.

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