Community Grants- Capacity Building Grants

From JCCF Inc.

The Community Foundation of Jackson County aims to support community projects and programs that enhance opportunities for its residents and communities. This includes a broad spectrum of needs such as human services, health, recreation, education, arts & culture, economic development, and nonprofit capacity building, with an emphasis on improving the quality of life within Jackson County.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Community Foundation of Jackson County supports various causes with a focus on Community Action Grants (CAG) in the fields of Arts and Culture, Education, Health and Human Services, Recreation, Youth and Family Services, and Community and Economic Development. The program is dedicated to funding Capital and Equipment Projects, Program Development, Capacity Building, and Operating Support. It also includes Capacity Building Grants aimed at providing organizations with technical assistance and/or training to more effectively meet their missions or provide services. Eligibility criteria vary based on the type of support requested.


Organization's Location
Program Location
WV (Jackson County)
Organization Type
Private, non-profit organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Located in Jackson County, WV or programs serving residents of Jackson County, WV
  • Organizations may submit only one application per grant cycle, except organizations with more than one physical site each having its own board or governance structure
  • An organization can resubmit a declined application once; a twice declined application for the same project cannot be resubmitted


Organizations applying for annual campaigns, endowments, sectarian religious purposes, political purposes or lobbying activities, existing obligations/debts/liabilities, student travel/participation in meetings/seminars/study exchange programs
Requests for labor and wages reimbursement
Requests for food/beverages funding
Organizations that received a Community Grant in the previous cycle
1k – 10k


Review Criteria

Preference is granted to initiatives that: significantly benefit the individuals and communities served by the applying entity; target new groups, enhance current initiatives or services, or address new challenges; bolster the applicant's ability to provide its services and fulfill community requirements; are thoroughly conceived and have a feasible execution plan; either come with a matching grant opportunity or are in pursuit of one to attract additional funding; face challenges in securing alternative funding sources; and are aimed at benefiting the Jackson County community.

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