Program/Project Support Grant

From The Cloudsplitter Foundation

The Cloudsplitter Foundation is dedicated to improving the future for the flora, fauna, communities, and people of the Adirondacks.

Type of Support


These grants are to support a well-defined project or program that has a defined need, budget, and associated supporting documentation. There is no upper limit on such grants, but they are generally limited to 20% of the project or program’s cost.

Foundation areas of interest

  • Environment: protecting our natural resources through advocacy, land protection, stewardship
  • Community Building: supporting cultural, physical, & civic facilities like theaters, community centers, parks, trails, community revitalization
  • Economic Stability: supporting Tourism, critical infrastructure like museums & historic sites, recreational facilities
  • Communications and Data Infrastructure: broadband everywhere, public radio and television, focused fact-based journalism
  • Helping our most vulnerable neighbors: Birth-to-Three program, food programs, family resources, aging in place


Organization's Location
Program Location
USA with strong preference for NY (Greater Adirondack region)
Organization Type
Fiscally-sponsored organizations


For-profit organizations/businesses
not specified


Required Attachments
Organizational Budget
Project Budget
Board List
Contact info
Review Criteria

Priority grants will:

  • Have a clear strategic purpose, leverage (e.g., attracting other funders)

  • Generate maximum environmental or community returns 

  • Help under-served populations and those with the greatest need 

  • Be collaborative (between organizations and/or government)

  • Go to prior grantees who have performed against their grant criteria

  • Address the stresses on our local food supply, healthcare, childcare, and small businesses

  • Grant requests for capital campaigns will be regarded more favorably if they are a matching grant and the resulting structure or facility has a significant impact on the community.

  • Lowest priority will be given to grants seeking to build an endowment or reserves.

Learn more

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