Graduate Student Research Enhancement Award (GSREA)

From Coleopterists Society

The Coleopterists Society is an international organization dedicated to the study of beetles, covering all aspects of their systematics and biology worldwide.

Type of Support


The Coleopterists Society's Graduate Student Research Enhancement Awards (GSREA) aims to support graduate student members in their beetle-related research endeavors. The grant provides financial assistance for various research-related expenses excluding salary for the applicant. It includes funding for expendable materials, usage fees for analytical equipment, and travel for fieldwork, laboratory activities outside the applicant's institution, and visits to museum collections. The awards program offers two types of grants: Program Awards, offering $5,000 each for two outstanding research proposals to significantly fund the student's graduate research; and Improvement Awards, offering up to $2,000 each for two proposals aimed at assisting the completion of a specific research objective. All proposed research objectives must be completed while the applicant is enrolled as a graduate student.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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2k – 5k


Contact info
Jane Doe