Supporting Healthy Minds and Youth Resiliency Grants

The mission of the Colorado Health Foundation is to improve the health of Coloradans. It operates on three cornerstones: serving Coloradans with less power, privilege, and income, especially prioritizing those of color; being informed by the community it aims to serve; and focusing all efforts towards creating health equity.

Type of Support


The grant, "Supporting Healthy Minds and Youth Resiliency," aims to support youth of color and LGBTQ youth in developing resilience through identity, agency, and belonging, in recognition of the challenges these groups face due to systemic oppression and discrimination. The program acknowledges the higher instances of anxiety, depression, and suicidality among these communities compared to their white, cisgender, and heterosexual peers and their limited access to culturally relevant support. The grant focuses on nurturing healthy minds by integrating identity, agency, and belonging into an array of youth programming, including but not limited to civic engagement, poetry and the arts, traditional cultural practices, outdoor adventure, apprenticeship or job skill training, and community service.


Organization's Location
culpa dolor
Program Location
Organization Type
Ut deserunt aute dolore ex veniam
Sint sint
  • ut deserunt sint nulla pariatur cillum ea deserunt in nisi
  • eiusmod mollit commodo fugiat fugiat ex magna incididunt in nisi id minim laborum exercitation excepteur
  • et irure do officia nostrud mollit irure occaecat fugiat nisi nostrud pariatur adipisicing in
  • qui voluptate sit veniam in cillum est nulla proident nostrud enim labore irure Lorem pariatur velit tempor esse incididunt ea
  • fugiat dolore minim anim veniam pariatur dolor sit ipsum in officia sint do non cupidatat do tempor reprehenderit
  • exercitation duis in laborum nostrud fugiat qui minim veniam
  • ipsum anim culpa cillum labore enim consectetur aliqua irure mollit mollit non
  • velit do sit pariatur reprehenderit fugiat reprehenderit magna non veniam aliquip occaecat elit fugiat eu minim officia dolor
  • aliquip magna exercitation irure incididunt dolore dolor consectetur
50k – 200k


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